Home Community Elaine Kitamura Appointed to Regional Director for Multicultural Initiatives, American Heart

Elaine Kitamura Appointed to Regional Director for Multicultural Initiatives, American Heart

T he emphasis will be on diverse communities.

After her extensive years in the media/communications field, Elaine Kitamura is moving into the healthcare field. She will commence work at the American Heart Association to become their Regional Director for Multicultural Initiatives starting April 4. The work that she will be involved in will help to meet the organizations impact goal to improve cardiovascular health of all Americans and decrease deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20% by 2020.

Her duties will include working with high risk communiies by focusing on the areas of hypertension, nutrition, obesity and physical activity. In addition, she will work on health equity strategies that focus on development, advocacy and marketing/ communications opportunities. Her role will include serving as an internal consultant to the region /ter ritor y on all diversity-related initiatives.